Flying Lion partner Steven Katz was featured on Fox 11 News in Los Angeles last night trying to calm the concern about drones flying near Long Beach/San Pedro. His stance, the majority of the videos shared look like crewed aircraft. And if there are drones, there is not anything to be concerned about since even with infrared sensors — at night, they will not be seeing much. He agrees with the Southwest pilot who was interviewed – if it was an adversary, the drones would not have their strobe or navigation lights on.

Congratulations Montgomery County Police Department’s Drone as First Responder (DFR) Program for a historic conviction! This is the first conviction ever based on ONLY DFR video evidence.

Flying Lion is proud to support this innovative agency (and prosecutors who stand behind them.




In one week, Flying Lion Founder and President, Barry Brennan and other distinguished experts discuss Remote Drone Operations on December 9-11 in Kristiansan, Norway.